A good place to start when planning for college is to speak to your school counselor.
Below are some updates pertaining to 4-year college admissions:
Subject Admission Requirements for UC and CSU ("a-g")
To be eligible for admission to a four-year university, students must meet subject requirements. These requirements represent the minimum academic standards for eligibility. Meeting the minimum eligibility requirements does not guarantee admission. Admission to the campus and program of choice often requires students to meet more demanding standards including high entrance examination test scores. All courses taken to satisfy college admission requirements must be completed with a semester grade of "C-" or higher.
College Entrance Exams
The California State University (CSU) no longer uses ACT or SAT examinations in determining admission eligibility for all CSU campuses. If accepted to a CSU campus, ACT or SAT test scores can be used as one of the measures to place students in the proper mathematics and written communication courses. Learn more
The University of California (UC) will not consider SAT or ACT test scores when making admissions decisions or awarding scholarships. If you choose to submit test scores as part of your application, they may be used as an alternative method of fulfilling minimum requirements for eligibility or for course placement after you enroll. Learn more
A majority of private universities, both in California and out-of-f-state, are either not requiring the SAT/ACT or are test-optional for admissions. To learn whether a university is requiring admissions, visit the school's website or go to