AP Exams
Families with questions regarding their "Lunch Status" can CALL Food Services at 714-663-6155. The team at Food Services will assist each Parent/Guardian individually and will determine if they will need to reopen the lunch application on behalf of the family after gathering information. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Visit AP YouTube channel for additional information directly from College Board.

AP Exams are standardized tests that evaluate your proficiency in specific AP courses. Most AP courses have traditional end-of-year exams. A few, like AP Art and Design, use alternative methods such as portfolio submissions to assess your learning.
The Benefits of AP Courses & Exams
Stand Out to Colleges
“AP” on your high school transcript shows colleges you're motivated to succeed, and taking the exam demonstrates your commitment to tackle and complete college-level work.

Your AP score could earn you college credits before you even set foot on campus. Learn if a college offers credit here.

La Quinta offers a high school GPA boost to students who take AP classes.
Interested in an AP class? Speak to your school counselor.