Key Club » FAQs


If Key Club doesn't make keys, what's with the name? 
KEY is an acrynom for Kiwanis Educated Youth. The very first Key Club was started by the Kiwanis of Sacramento. They wanted to educate the youth to become caring leaders through the vehicle of service.
Why should I join Key Club?
There are many clubs on campus that offer opportunities to help our community, but what sets Key Club apart are the people and the energy! We practice "caring--our way of life" (our Key Club motto!) for our community... and for each other! Through fun icebreakers and games at our meetings, spirited cheers, and collaborative monthly gatherings with other schools' Key Clubs, Key Club "is like no otter" (our division's mascot)! 
How many hours are required?
We recommend 20 hours of service per semester. 
How do I join Key Club?
To become a Key Club member, please talk to any officer in the Fall, and pay your $13 dues anytime at lunch or after school in Mrs. Dinh's room, B108.