Grade Change Request for 2020-2021 Courses

New, urgent legislation was passed to support all high school students who were adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in the 20-21 school year. This legislation gave all high school students and their parents/guardians a right to request a grade change for 2020-2021 school year courses. Adult students and parents/guardians of students under 18 may apply to change a letter grade (A-F) to a grade of Pass or No Pass for students who were in grades 9-12 only in the 2020-2021 school year.  

Students who received a grade of F in semester 1 (Fall 2020), may request to change to No Pass. A No Pass grade will not negatively affect a student’s GPA like an F grade does. Be aware that the course will need to be made up, even with this change, if it is a graduation requirement for you/your child.

Students who received a passing grade of D in either semester 1 (Fall 2020) or semester 2 (Spring 2021), may request to change the letter grade to a Pass. A Pass grade will not negatively affect a student’s GPA like a D grade does. Changing a grade of D to Pass will also mean that you/your child do not have to retake the class to validate the D for admission to Cal State Universities (CSU) and University of California (UC). However, while all CSUs and UCs will accept a grade of pass, not all private or out-of-state universities will. For a complete list see:

Grade Change Application
Requests to change grades must be submitted using the following application by Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Use this link to access the application:

Please follow the instructions on the application. Applications may be submitted by email to your high school principal (Click here for school principal email information), in person to your school's front office or by U.S. mail to your school site. Applications sent by mail must be postmarked by the due date.
Your school will notify you that the requested grade change has been made within 15 calendar days of receipt of a grade-change request.

The new law gives 15 days from this notice for the request to be submitted; the deadline to request a grade change is Tuesday, August 24, 2021. We cannot accept grade change requests submitted after this date. All timely requests to change letter grades to a Pass or No Pass will be accepted. There is no limit on the number or type of courses that are eligible for a change from a letter grade to a grade of Pass or No Pass. Source: Garden Grove Unified School District