Policies » Academic Honesty Policy

Academic Honesty Policy


  1. Before, during and after any assessment, the student shall use only those materials allowed by the teacher. Students shall not be in possession of any materials not authorized by the teacher.
  2. The student shall respect another student’s right to privacy of materials, test and property (sharing of any information by any means is prohibited, i.e.; visual, written, or verbal).
  3. The student, when doing research assignments, shall give proper credit (footnotes, citations and/or bibliography in compliance with the teacher’s instructions) to those sources, including the internet when allowed to be a source, used in order to avoid plagiarism.
  4. The student will refrain from utilizing technology in unauthorized ways on academic assignments and exams. Some examples include but are not limited to: hand-held computers, cell phones, digital cameras, calculators, and recording devices.
  5. Violations of the Academic Honor Code will be determined by the teacher based on the school and classroom guidelines s/he set in her/his classroom. Each teacher is responsible for defining, determining, and documenting violation(s) of the Academic Honor Code


In order to maintain the integrity of La Quinta High School and its individual students, violation of the CODE OF HONOR will result in the following:


  1. An F or Zero will be given for the work in question.
  2. A referral will be sent to the administration specifically describing the Honor Code violation.
  3. A notation of the Honor Code violation will be placed by the administration in the student’s file.
  4. The parents of the student will be notified by administration.
  5. The student will be assigned Saturday School or be subjected to other disciplinary penalties.


  1. A grade of F will be recorded for the assignment in which the violation occurred.
  2. A notation of the Honor Code violation will be placed by the administration in the student’s file.
  3. The parents of the student will be notified and a meeting with the AP will take place. A contract will be signed between the student, parent(s), and school indicating that if another violation occurs the student will receive a drop F in the class of the 3rd offense.
  4. The student may be suspended from class or be subjected to other disciplinary penalties such as Saturday School(s).
  5. The student will lose designation as an academic recognition program scholar and/or other school recognition may be withheld OR the student may not qualify as a nominee for academic recognition within the department in which the offense occurred.

SUBSEQUENT OCCURENCES – The Academic Honor Code Committee will convene upon this subsequent occurrence and will consider the following consequences:

  1. An F or Zero will be given for the work in question.
  2. A referral will be sent to the administration specifically describing the Honor Code violation.
  3. A notation of the Honor Code violation will be placed by the administration in the student’s file.
  4. The parent(s) of the student will be notified and the Academic Honor Code contract, signed for the second offense, will be enforced. This includes a drop F in the class of the 3rd occurrence.
  5. The student will lose all school academic recognition OR other recognition or awards based on academic integrity may be withheld or withdrawn