Policies » Discipline Guidelines

Discipline Guidelines


The following guidelines are used in determine consequences for student offenses. Please review these with your son/daughter so they are aware of the consequences inappropriate behavior at school.


Garden Grove Unified School District Board of Education prohibits the possession and/or use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, drugs, and drug-related paraphernalia on school property.  This prohibition also includes all activities sponsored by La Quinta High School that extend beyond the school day.  Possession and/or use of any form of alcohol, drug, or controlled substance will result in the following:

1. Tobacco Products

  1. Use/Possession

        - Parent contact and suspension 1-5 days


  1. Drug Paraphernalia (possession or sale)

        - Suspend 1-5 days, parent and possible police contact, possible District Discipline Committee


  1. Drugs, Alcohol, and Marijuana
  2. Possession and/or use

        - Suspend 3-5 days, parent and possible police contact, possible referral to District Discipline Committee

  1. Sale

        - Suspend 5 days pending to District Discipline Committee, parent and police contact, referral to Discipline Committee with recommendation for expulsion

  1. Furnishing

        - Suspend 3-5 days, parent, police contact, referral to District Discipline Committee


  1. “Look alike” Substance

        - Suspend 3-5 days, parent and police contact, possible referral to District Discipline Committee



1. Possession of weapons and explosive devices such as knives, guns, clubs, imitation firearms, bombs, M-80 type explosive)
        - Suspend 5 days, parent and police contact, referral to District Discipline Committee.

  1. Fire or Fireworks
  2. Arson

        - Suspend 3-5 days, police, fire department and parent contact, possible referral to District Discipline Committee

  1. Possession/use of fireworks

        - Suspend 3-5 days, parent contact, possible police contact, possible referral to District Discipline Committee

  1. Use of lighter/matches in class

        - Suspend 3-5 days, police, fire department and parent contact, possible referral to District Discipline Committee



  1. Being aware of, planning or attending any activity, on or off campus during school hours or in route to and from school or at any school-sponsored event, which could result in possible harm to students/staff or disruption of school activities or cause damage to school district property.

        - Suspend 1-5 days, parent conference, possible police contact, referral to District Discipline Committee


  1. Assault/battery – Any willful and unlawful use of force or violence upon another person

        - Suspend 3-5 days, parent and police contact, and possible referral to District Discipline Committee


  1. Aides or abets in the infliction or attempted infliction of physical injury to another student

        - Suspend 1-5 days, parent contact, possible police contact and possible referral to District Discipline Committee


  1. Bullying, intimidation, threats, verbal assault and/or harassment including cyber bullying and texting.(toward peers)

        - Suspend 1-5 days, parent contact, possible police contact, possible referral to District Discipline Committee


  1. Witness Intimidation/Threat

        - Suspend 3-5 days with parent contact, possible police contact and referral to District Discipline Committee


  1. Hate Violence

        - Suspend 3-5 days, parent contact, possible police contact, and possible referral to District Discipline Committee.


  1. Gang Activity (inappropriate clothing, use of symbols, flashing signs, group confrontation)

        - Possible suspension 1-5 days, parent contact, police contact, possible referral to District Discipline Committee


  1. Terrorist threat against school official or property

        - Suspend 5 days, parent and police contact, referral to District Discipline Committee and recommendation for expulsion


  1. Assault or Battery on school employee

        - Suspend 5 days, parent and police contact, referral to District Discipline Committee and recommendation for expulsion


  1. Engaged in, or attempted to engage in hazing as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 245.6 of the Penal Code

        - Suspend 1-5 days, parent contact, possible police contact, possible referral to District Discipline Committee




  1. Detention - Saturday School, parent contact


  1. Saturday School – Reassign Saturday school, possible alternative suspension class, parent contact.



Suspension 1-3 days, parent contact, possible police contact, possible referral to District



Gambling is not permitted on campus. Confiscation of items and In-House Suspension or 1-3 days off-campus suspension and parent contact, possible police contact, and possible referral to District Discipline Committee


MISBEHAVIOR/ INSUBORDINATION (at school and school functions, on or off campus)

Progressive discipline pending severity of incident: referral to counselor or assistant principal, detention, parent contact, Saturday School, 1-5 days suspension, removal from activity, possible police contact, and possible referral to District Discipline Committee




  1. Directed toward peers or non-directed

        - Saturday School, possible suspension 1-3 days, parent contact.


  1. Directed toward a staff member

        - Suspend 1 to 5 days, parent contact, possible removal from class, possible referral to District Discipline Committee


  1. Sexual Harassment

        - Parent contact, possible 1-5 day suspension, possible police contact and referral to District Discipline Committee


  1. Sexual Assault and/or Battery

        - Suspend 5 days, parent and police contact, referral to District Discipline Committee for expulsion




  1. Theft or knowingly receiving stolen school or personal property

        - Suspend 1-5 days, parent contact and possible police contact and referral to District Discipline Committee


  1. Robbery or extortion

        - Suspend 1-5 days, parent and police contact, possible referral to District Discipline Committee



Riding of skateboards, bicycles and scooters are prohibited on campus and will result in the confiscation of boards, bikes and scooters. They need to be locked in the racks during the school day. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.



Restitution, detention, Saturday School, suspend 1-5 days, parent contact, possible police contact and/or referral to District Discipline Committee.


  1. Possession of permanent markers and liquid whiteout is prohibited.


  1. Students may not write gang-related writing on their papers, folders, books, or backpacks. Items will be confiscated and made available to the police and parents will be notified





        - Students may be assigned one detention for each period of truancy, dress code violations, tardy sweeps, and not having ID cards

        - Detentions must be served from 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the assigned date and in the assigned room.



La Quinta High School conducts Saturday School which is designed to discourage disciplinary and truancy problems.  We, as a school staff, find this program to be beneficial in fostering a positive educational climate.  Saturday School will be conducted from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon every Saturday morning (excluding some holiday weekends).  If you have any questions regarding this program, please call the assistant principal in charge of Saturday School at 663-6372.

        - Students who leave campus during lunch or a scheduled class period without the proper check-out procedure (off campus without a pass) may receive a Saturday School. Parents may be contacted.

        - Students who have truancy may receive a Saturday School.

        - Students may be assigned alternate suspension and reassigned Saturday School if Saturday School is not served.



Suspension occurs when a students' negative behavior or actions are repetitive or when a single incident is such that the student needs to be removed from school for a short period of time (1-5 days). Suspensions are used to provide students with a time-out to think about their actions and as a time for parent to intercede and counsel. During a suspension, students are prohibited from participating in all classes, activities, and sports.

On Campus Suspension (OCS)

On campus suspension may be used as an alternative to an Off Campus suspension.  Students suspended will not be allowed contact with students during the instructional day.  Students are responsible for bringing books and materials during OCS.


OFF Campus Suspension and Alternative suspension classroom (ASC)

The term suspension means the removal of a student from all school activities (including extracurricular activities such as clubs, sports and ROP classes) by an authorized member of the administrative staff for a specific and limited amount of time.  Students who are suspended off campus may not be on or around campus during their suspension.  They are not allowed to participate in, or attend, school activities or athletic events.

The Garden Grove Unified School District now offers the choice to attend an Alternative Suspension Classroom (located at Hare Continuation High School) which will provide an instructional program while your child is suspended.  In most circumstances, with your permission, your child may attend the Alternative Suspension Classroom instead of staying home.


OFF Campus Suspension
An off campus suspension means the student is suspended to the home. Students are not permitted to be on the La Quinta campus or participate in or attend school activities, or sports.