Mark Sanchez » Schedule and Courses

Schedule and Courses

Schedule of Classes
Mr. Sanchez can be found in room 902 during the first five periods of the day. He can be found in the gym or the outdoor basketball courts during sixth period.
Period 1 - World History
Period 2 - World History
Period 3 - World History
Period 4 - U.S. History
Period 5 - Prep
Period 6 - Athletics (Basketball)
World History is a yearlong course that follows the CA State Standards and Framework for History/Social Science. By studying historical events, various cultures, and global connections, students will develop a diverse understanding of the world in which we live. The time period to be covered during this course will be from 1750 to the present. Throughout the year, we will be covering the following topics in world history.
First Semester
Unit 1: Foundations of Government
Unit 2: Absolutism to Revolution
Unit 3: Industrial Revolution
Unit 4: New Imperialism
Unit 5: World War I
Second Semester
Unit 6: Rise of Totalitarianism
Unit 7: World War II
Unit 8: Cold War
Unit 9: Contemporary World/Globalization
United States History is a yearlong course that follows the CA State Standards and Framework for History/Social Science. We will examine major developments and turning points in American history from the late nineteenth century to the present. During the year, the following themes are emphasized: the expanding role of the federal government; the emergence of a modern corporate economy and the role of organized labor; the role of the federal government and Federal Reserve System in regulating the economy; the impact of technology on American society and culture; changes in racial, ethnic, and gender dynamics in American society; the movements toward equal rights for racial, ethnic, religious, and sexual minorities and for women; and the rise of the United States as a major world power.
First Semester
Unit 1: Connecting with Past Learnings
Unit 2: Industry and Immigration
Unit 3: Imperialism and World War I
Unit 4: 1920s
Unit 5: Great Depression and New Deal
Second Semester
Unit 6: World War II
Unit 7: Early Cold War
Unit 8: Vietnam War
Unit 9: Civil Rights Movements
Unit 10: Contemporary Social and Political Issues
Athletics (Basketball) meets the Physical Education requirements for graduation. All students must complete two years of Physical Education. When possible all student athletes are encouraged to enroll in Athletics. There are rare occasions when student athletes have a scheduling problem that requires the student to take another required course during sixth period. This does not preclude the student from participating in sports. These scheduling problems should be worked out with your coach in advance of upcoming seasons.